
Fighting Traffic Tickets since 2000

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About Jason Diamond

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So far Jason Diamond has created 389 blog entries.


Here's the basic scenario that probably puts a chill down any driver's spine. You're cruising down some unfamiliar stretch of highway and you're not paying too much attention to your speedometer. The second after you pass a billboard, you notice that a police car is parked behind it, and [...]

2024-06-23T21:53:00-04:00Speeding Ticket|


According to the Sun Sentinel, school is back in session in Palm Beach County — for drivers, that means it's back to slowing down. Expect police and sheriff's deputies to look for speeders and enforce traffic laws in school zones, crosswalks and around school buses stopped for students. Slow down [...]

Florida Distracted Driving Awareness Month

During the month of April, Florida Highway Patrol is running the “Distracted Driving Campaign”, to draw drivers’ attention to the risks of not being focused on the road. Distracted driving is extremely risky behavior that not only puts drivers and passengers in danger but also pedestrians and bicyclists sharing the road. [...]

2024-06-23T21:53:01-04:00Reckless Driving|

Arrive Alive, Don’t Drink and Drive

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), a division of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), is partnering again with the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Florida Police Chiefs Association, Florida Sheriffs Association, AAA – The Auto Club Group and the Florida [...]


Drunk, Clown or Just Itchy?

I have represented hundreds of people for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and had, even more, people accused of DUI come into my office seeking representation. Then one day “Steve” walked into my office and told me a story. He was riding his moped when he came upon a DUI [...]


Seat belts save lives

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) has recently announced that they are joining local and national law enforcement officers for the national Click It or Ticket safety belt enforcement campaign in March. This is a reminder for all Florida drivers that Florida law requires the use of seat belts by drivers, [...]

2024-06-23T21:53:02-04:00Lawyer, Seat Belt|