
Fighting Traffic Tickets since 2000

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About Jason Diamond

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So far Jason Diamond has created 389 blog entries.

DUI Checkpoints | Ways Around Them?

As a DUI Lawyer, I have seen just about every type of gimmick, trick, old wives tale and urban legend that exists concerning Driving Under the Influence. However, after reading about U.S. Boarder Agents stoping "foreign looking" U.S. Citizens at non-boarder locations and asking for ID, I dug a little [...]


Top 10 States For Speeding Tickets | Other Traffic Ticket Facts

According to Forbes magazine, these are the top 10 states for speeding tickets. Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah, Oregon, Kansas and Maryland. Judges in Carolina and Georgia, plus 16 other states, can add jail time. The national median for a first offender's topend fine is $200, according to the NHTSA. You can also expect to pay over $300 more in the [...]

Motorcycles Vs. Cars: An Ongoing Debate

  Although it is difficult to trace the first motorcycle back to its origins, the first prototype motorcycle came into being in Paris in 1867. It was little more than a steam-powered bicycle called a Michaux-Perreaux steam velocipede. Then in 1884, the first commercial design of a motorcycle appeared in [...]

2017-12-21T06:54:13-05:00Traffic Ticket|