
Fighting Traffic Tickets since 2000

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About Jason Diamond

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So far Jason Diamond has created 389 blog entries.

Getting a License Just Got Harder

The documentation requirements are part of the REAL ID Act passed by Congress in 2005 in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. The hijackers used false identification, including Florida driver’s licenses. A majority of states has refused to comply with the act, and federal authorities have postponed until mid-2011 a deadline for it to take effect. Gary Biller, director of the National Motorists Association, a driver’s advocacy group, said the new requirements are too extreme. However, if you get caught speeding, you should call the Traffic Ticket Team, www.trafficticketteam.com, to fight your Florida Traffic Ticket. Call us anytime to fight your traffic ticket at 954-967-9888, Law Offices of Jason A. Diamond, P.A. and Diamond, Kistner & Diamond.

Speeding Ticket Application for the I-Phone

However, if you get caught speeding, you should call the Traffic Ticket Team, www.trafficticketteam.com, to fight your Florida Traffic Ticket. Call us anytime to fight your traffic ticket at 954-967-9888, Law Offices of Jason A. Diamond, P.A. and Diamond, Kistner & Diamond.

Is It Time To Give Up Your License?

We all remember when we got our driver’s license. It’s one of life’s great moments, a giant step toward adulthood. Decades later comes a related rite of passage that generates considerably less enthusiasm: the day you stop driving. Most older drivers are aware when that time is approaching. They recognize their diminishing skills; maybe they have a close call or sometimes can’t find the way home. www.trafficticketteam.com