Miami-Dade County Traffic Tickets

Fighting Traffic Tickets since 2000

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Who Gets Speeding Tickets in Miami-Dade County, Florida: A Look at Demographics

Miami-Dade County, Florida, with its vibrant culture and bustling highways, is a place where traffic citations, particularly speeding tickets, are a common occurrence. However, the likelihood of receiving a speeding ticket can be influenced by various factors, including demographics. While obtaining specific data on demographics [...]

The Increase in Traffic Tickets: An Analysis of Fort Lauderdale and Miami-Dade Counties

Traffic tickets have long been a contentious issue for drivers across the United States, with some regions seemingly experiencing a higher prevalence of ticket issuance than others. Fort Lauderdale and Miami-Dade Counties in Florida have garnered attention for the perception of an increase in police officers giving out traffic tickets. [...]


According to the Sun Sentinel, school is back in session in Palm Beach County — for drivers, that means it's back to slowing down. Expect police and sheriff's deputies to look for speeders and enforce traffic laws in school zones, crosswalks and around school buses stopped for students. Slow down [...]