Traffic Ticket

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The most expensive U.S. states to get a ticket while speeding, running a red light or using a mobile phone in the car

According to the Dailymail, Nationwide, the average fine for driving over the speed limit in America is $423.36, but the cost varies dramatically depending on which state you’re driving through. A new analysis by GoCompare, a UK-based insurance price comparison website, analyzed the 2017 fines in each state for [...]

2024-06-23T21:52:59-04:00Traffic Ticket|

Costs Of A Speeding Ticket In Florida | Bring Your Wallet Or Your Lawyer’s Phone #

Find Out How Much a Speeding Ticket Cost in Florida Florida is undoubtedly one of the most preferred vacation spots in US. Florida experiences visitors from all across the world and almost every country. The beautiful white beaches and mesmerizing landscapes along with swaying palm trees adds beauty to [...]