Nearly every teenager anxiously awaits getting their driver’s license. The sense of freedom that it affords in conjunction with their first major step toward adulthood is an intoxicating combination. Unfortunately, being a young and inexperienced driver who is just getting familiar with the power of an internal combustion engine can result in the rapid accumulation of speeding tickets. I know from my own experiences as a young driver because it seemed like I was getting a speeding ticket on a monthly basis and nearly lost my driver’s license as a result. At the time, there were not a lot of options to choose from when you got a speeding ticket. I could either choose to pay the traffic ticket and get points on my license, or I could go to driving school. Of course, I chose driving school to avoid the points and insurance rate hike, but that was an option that I could only pursue every so often. Well, what about all those tickets I got in between driving school sessions? I had no choice at the time, but to pay any other speeding tickets I may have gotten. I nearly ended up with a suspended license because I had so many points on my license.
Fortunately, things have changed a great deal since the 1980s, and drivers have the option to fight their traffic citations. My personal experience with speeding tickets is one of the major influences on why I chose to become a traffic ticket attorney. I am quite proud of the fact that I have helped hundreds of other drivers avoid the perils of just paying a speeding ticket or going through the driving school process. Both of these options are increasingly expensive in both time and money. If you just pay the speeding ticket, you are likely to incur not only a hefty fine, but also the associated increase in the cost of your insurance that occurs based upon the number of points on your license. If you decide to go to driving school, you will still incur huge monetary penalties, and you can only elect this option once a year, with a maximum of five times. As I have stated previously, you don’t need to hire a traffic ticket attorney because you can always choose to go to court to fight your speeding ticket, but that could be a huge mistake. People ask me frequently why they should hire me to fight their traffic ticket. There is a particular talk show host that is known for presenting a top ten list. Allow me to share with you a top three list. The following are three important benefits in hiring a traffic ticket attorney:
First: Most people have heard the expression, “You have to spend money to make money.” Well, as far as speeding tickets go, this is a fairly accurate assessment when it comes to hiring a traffic ticket attorney, also. Granted, this is how we earn our livelihood, but generally the cost of your attorney’s fees will be considerably less than any associated costs that you will incur by just paying the traffic ticket outright. The most significant savings comes from not bearing the cost of your insurance increasing as a result having points assessed against your license. The insurance premium increase alone could add up to thousands of dollars in just a couple of years. We have a success rate of 99% in keeping our clients from getting points.
Secondly: Very few people take into account the value of their own time when it comes to fighting a speeding ticket. If you go to court on your own, you will have to take time off of work or school. The amount of time that you miss to go to court can vary because you never know if your case will be called first, last, or somewhere in between. This is just the beginning of the time you will lose. In order to have a successful outcome, it will take a lot of your time to research your traffic ticket and the various defense strategies that are available to you. Even if you decide to attend driving school, you will again have to miss time from work or school. This includes not only the time that it takes to get to and from the class, but also the four hours of sitting through a boring class where you will be instructed on things that you probably already know.
It only takes a couple of minutes to call our office to hire us. If, however, you visit our office because you want to discuss your case, we will give you as much time as needed. In most instances, not only do our clients not have to go to court, but they don’t even have to come to our office.
Finally: The third and most important benefit to hiring a traffic ticket attorney are the results you can expect. You do have the right to defend yourself, but in addition to the day you spend in court and the time you spend preparing a strong defense, you also can expect to lose another day to the process if you tell the judge you would like a trial because he will have to have it added to the court calendar…for a month or so later when you get to repeat the whole process. Even if your time is not an issue, consider the fact that the odds are good that you are not an attorney, therefore, not terribly adept at operating in a courtroom setting. No amount of court television is going to turn you into a skilled professional in that setting. No matter how quickly you learn or how skilled you may be in your chosen field, in some instances it just better to leave some things to a professional.
Even if the things that I have mentioned here are not enough to make you reconsider representing yourself, keep in mind that the Traffic Ticket Team has over 50 years of combined experience in helping people just like you. With over 1,000,000 traffic tickets defended, as I mentioned earlier, 99% of our clients do not get points assessed. That is a lot of money that we have saved our clients over the years. It’s what we do, and we will continue to let you prepare our taxes, drive our buses, or ensure that our suitcases get on the right airplanes because you are more skilled at it than we are. Let us use our knowledge and expertise to help you with your speeding ticket. Give us a call at 954-967-9888 for your free consultation.

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