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Fighting Traffic Tickets since 2000

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The Internet is full of myths about traffic tickets in Florida. There are the silly ones and the serious ones. The website will debunk some of them but as a traffic ticket lawyer, I want my readers to know the law not the myths.These myths keep getting repeated over [...]

2017-12-21T06:56:01-05:00Traffic Ticket|

Defining Marijuana Laws in Florida

There is a growing movement in many states to legalize cannabis (marijuana) for prescription use to treat chronic pain and certain diseases such as cancer and glaucoma. There is a somewhat smaller movement to legalize its use as a recreational drug, equivalent to alcohol or tobacco. However, only a few states have gone so far as to allow its use by prescription only. Florida is not one of these states. It is, therefore, necessary for one to understand cannabis laws in Florida before taking any across the state line.

2017-12-21T06:56:07-05:00Traffic Ticket|

Speeding Ticket Cameras. More Money For Our Government.

I know that many who live outside of Europe’s confines will already be booking their trips in anticipation of such a large and speedy step forward for civilization. But if you get a traffic ticket in Florida, call the Traffic Ticket Team to Fight Back for you. Our attorneys have handled over one million traffic tickets. So don’t hire a random ticket clinic lawyer, hire a Team. That is, call the Traffic Ticket Team, 954-967-9888.