The cost of a Florida traffic ticket is higher than ever and that is becoming a problem for Floridians who cannot afford to pay their traffic ticket fees. With the economic trouble if the country striking Florida particularly hard, court officials are receiving more requests to have traffic fines reduced or people notifying them that they are financially unable to pay their traffic tickets. In Palm Beach County a recent review of 350 traffic citations issued over the course of a week returned surprising results. According to a story in the Palm Beach Post sources say that about half of those 350 traffic tickets had letters returned with the citation asking for a reduction in fees. The reasons included the drivers who were cited were either out of work, low on money or had a home in foreclosure. The administrative traffic hearing officer quoted in the story said that they will take those circumstances into account. The problems begin in trying to determine who deserves a break on their fines and who doesn’t. The options for those who get their fines reduced is to substitute community service in exchange for less money out of pocket. Some counties will credit people $10 off their ticket for each hour they donate to specified non-profit groups. There are also counties who now offer payment plans for traffic tickets. The article says that many ticketed drivers are now defending their own tickets in court to delay paying the fine but the paper warns that this type of strategy could backfire with the cost of traffic citations and court costs combining to make matters worse. In Palm Beach County the number of drivers contesting their traffic tickets has almost doubled from the averages in 2008 and 2009. The previous two years about 11% of drivers fought their traffic tickets this year that number is now 20%. Thus, if you get a traffic ticket in Florida, please call the Traffic Ticket Team to fight it for you. 954-967-9888.

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